Chemicals at work

British Glass helps its members fulfil their duty to protect their workers and the environment from any risks associated with the substances they use in their products and manufacturing processes.

On behalf of our members we liaise with the Health and Safety Executive in the UK and the European Chemicals Agency and Commission through our work with the Glass Alliance Europe, and Chemicals at Work working groups.

Based on constant dialogue with our Health and Safety Committee of industry representatives, we feed accurate information about specific use of chemicals in the glass industry into the UK REACH process, the development of occupational exposure limits and assessment of their impact on the sector.

Our Health and Safety Committee also allows members to work together on industry-specific challenges. For example, we are currently exploring substitutes for refractory ceramic fibre (RCF) which is used for the insulation and sealing of glass furnaces. 

British Glass supports the whole glass industry in fully understanding and meeting its obligations under the COSHH and UK REACH regulations through topical training days and guidance documents – which are available to members and non-members.


Health & Safety Committee

Our Health & Safety Forward scheme is a dynamic system for continuous improvement across our sector, aligned to the Health and Safety Executive ( ) Helping Great Britain work well strategy.